Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Since time immemorial astronomers wrestled with basic questions concerning the universe. Prior to the invention of the telescope, all man could do, was wonder about the origins of the universe. It was generally  believed that the universe had always been in existence, that its size was fixed , totally unchanging. When American astronomer, Vesto Slipher,  discovered that the galaxies were moving away from earth at huge velocities, astronomers changed their beliefs about the universe.  Slipher,  provided the first evidence supporting an expanding-universe.

Some four years later  Albert Einstein offered the theory that the universe must be either expanding or contracting but final conformation  of the expanding-universe  was presented American astronomer Edwin Hubble as late as 1929. This expansion of the universe was labeled "The Big Bang Theory". Subsequently cosmologists and astronomers verified this by means of red-shift. The results not only proving the earth had a beginning but that the debris from the "Big Bang" hasn't stopped traveling away from the point of the explosion in all directions, meaning that the "Big Bang" is still in progress, it is totally current.

Never before in the past 100 years were any these measurements possible, let alone prior to that, however there is absolute proof of this event in the Qur'an, revealed and compiled some 1434 years ago in which this world is referred to as the ever expanding. “And the heaven We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander” (Quran 51:47). Here GOD Almighty makes it clear that He is responsible for ever expanding universe. However, there is also another Qur'anic verse which warns of the contraction of the universe. "On that Day, We shall roll up the heaven like a written scroll is rolled. As We originated the first creation, so will We bring it back again. This is a binding promise on Us which We shall assuredly fulfill.(Quran 21:104)

These two Qur'anic verses is sufficient proof that GOD exists. The renown atheist Richard Dawkins and numerous other atheists  must be  totally oblivious of these passages and the numerous other scientific roofs in the Qur'an, to make the bizarre claims " There probably is no God".

It clearly seems that Richard Dawkins  and Christopher Hitchens (author of there is no God)  and their 85,000 strong Atheist church of unbelief are still struggling with the word "probably" implying that Atheism is a calling of uncertainty. They make statements that "There is no God", yet they don't believe it themselves. But regardless of this, they are blatantly inviting UK citizens with adverts on buses to "Stop worrying and enjoy life", calling them to a  life of  vice and immorality.

Albert Camus says:- "I would rather live my life as if there is a god and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is." It would be sufficient for Atheist to take heed.

The following verse is another truism that can be established by those who know - the expert astronomers and scientists.  Atheists with so much uncertainty in their lives, owe it to themselves to read the Qur'an, even if it is just a translation. However no translation does justice to the vastness of the Arabic language“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and made from water every living thing?  Then will they not believe?” (Qur'an 21:30)

Monday, June 22, 2009


Christians, Muslims and Jews, constitute approximately 35 percent of the world population, each believe in one of the major world religions. The other 65 percent constitutes minority religions, agnostics and atheists. But collectively they can all be divided roughly into three categories of people, viz. "those who believe in God", "those who don't believe in God" and "those who say they believe in God but in reality don't". Restated, the world population can be divided into "believers", "non- believers" and the "hypocrites".

Many "academics" are "atheists" who cannot or rather will not reconcile with the idea of a Supernatural omnipresent GOD  watching over His Creation and record who are the righteous amongst them and who wrongs themselves. As an obvious consequence they reject GOD Almighty because they don't want see the big picture or can't see the big creationist picture or just reject it entirely due to ignorance. They claim God is but a myth, a fallacy, is inconceivable and illogical, that all religious documents in man's possession today, are folk tales of old, and that mankind has evolved over time to his present state and form from a single cell organism. It appears that the atheist mind is thus too small to contemplate God, because whatever they may think God is, He (God) certainly is not that.

God is beyond shape or form, beyond comprehension,  He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is absolutely nobody or nothing comparable to Him. To Him belong the heavens and the earth and everything in it. Because God cannot be visualized, He can only be appreciated, understood or known by looking deeply at His awe inspiring creations. Thus many believing academics are confirmed creationists, vying for intelligent design, vehemently opposing Darwinism.

The Atheist mind is shackled and needs a comparative to compare with or a relative to relate to, but God cannot be compared because there is nothing to compare Him to. He is Sublime, The Eternal Absolute and there is non like Him. Atheists claim Darwin's theory of evolution and science is sufficient proof of their evolvement and existence, yet cannot explain how the precision and intricacies of the human eye evolved though "evolution", and never will.

The atheist belief in science, and their denial of God as Creator presupposes, that the universe as we know it, must have evolved from within yet universally scientists and atheists concur that the universe did have a beginning, (The Big Bang) and that something apart from it, or other than the universe itself, must have brought it into existence. Restated, without the GOD element there would have been no Big Bang.

It is also quite obvious to an atheist that if a live person lies alongside a corpse by natural causes, that even though they may appear identical; the one body has life and the other hasn't. The obvious conclusion is that there is an element missing from the corpse which the live person still posses. Darwinists and their reliance on science fails to explain this life force but constantly seek a future scientific explanation to bolster their unfounded claims. The missing element believers claim, is the soul, (The God Element) which in fact is man himself and that the human body is purely its vessel for the Soul.

So why do do many people eat Pork? And why are people Controversial?

Every Women needs a female photographer's touch on her Wedding Day.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Heaven or Hell?

There are many paths in life. Should you choose the wrong path, you'll end up where you didn't intend to. Exactly the same applies to heaven, so its in your interest to know your choice before you choose. Heaven is the aspired to, final destination, be they Christian, Muslim or Orthodox Jew who firmly believe in God. 

Christians creationists say, "there is no heaven for you if you do not believe in Christ". Muslims are creationists by default and call Heaven, 'Jannat' and say "if you do not accept Muhammad as the messenger of God and his final prophet", there is no Heaven for you. The Hindus call Heaven 'Swarga' and if you not not accept Christ-na, or rather Lord Krishna "there is no Nevana for you". The conservative Jews calls heaven 'Olam Ha-Ba' and claim it is  reserved exclusively for Jews, however the liberal Jew disregards Heaven completely in preference of the idea of reincarnation.

It kinda seems that each of these groups have a monopoly on Heaven or at least claims that. However, Zoastarians also believe in Heaven, and so does  Confucianists along with numerous minority belief systems. The three initial groups each swear by their own religious document, viz, The New testament, The Qur'an and The Torah (Old testament) respectively. But numerous minority believe systems without any formal religious documents, also swear to some place of final destination, regardless of its name and may have a symbol by which it is known.

Star of David, the Crescent and Star and the Cross  are purely symbols that became associated with Judaism, Islam and Christianity and has nothing to do with actual belief. However each of them also believe in the existence of Hell, but so does many minority belief systems. To attain entrance to Heaven, Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) said; belief in God and good works, so does Prophet  Muhammad (peace be upon him) and so does Moses (peace be upon him), and contrary to all of them "Peter of the Gentiles" says good works is unnecessary because Jesus died for your sins, but never did Jesus claim to do so. No bible contains any unequivocal sentence to prove that, Jesus preached what Peter claims. But even Peter preached Heaven before he was  an electronics engineer?

Amongst the nations of the world there are numerous Atheists, generally pro Darwinism who deny God, Heaven and Hell and the Last Day in favour of their own "scientifically derived opinions", following conjecture as they have no certain knowledge but own wims.